Male Rhinoplasty Miami Recovery Tips

/Male Rhinoplasty Miami Recovery Tips

Male Rhinoplasty Miami Recovery Tips

Are there any significant differences between male and female rhinoplasty? What can men do to prepare for a nose job? Here are some male rhinoplasty Miami recovery tips to optimize your results.

Redness & Swelling after Rhinoplasty Miami Surgery

Men have thicker skin and more blood vessels in their face; therefore, bleeding is one of the primary concerns. You will have stitches holding the incisions together after your nose job. All nose jobs have their own characteristics, so your recovery will depend primarily on what was done. In general, you will experience redness, swelling and bleeding the first couple of days. It is advisable for you to use cotton swabs, cleansing wipes and ice (frozen peas, cubes and spoons are advisable) to manage the swelling and bleeding. Initially, infection is a key concern after male nose jobs. This is because you have larger, thicker skin, so there might be more bleeding than with a female nose job. You might have undergone revision rhinoplasty – in this case, you will know what to expect.

Rhinoplasty Miami Patient Self-Care

Think about how you want to look before the procedure – get a haircut or shave your beard a couple of days before. The facial skin is usually tender after nose jobs, plus you don’t want to take the chance of cutting yourself after the procedure. Experts suggest that you purchase lip balm, nasal sprays and intensive care ointments for the incision lines. You don’t want to risk infections with normal ointments or creams. Rhinoplasty Miami will involve inflammation. You will need to give your body time to heal.

Male Rhinoplasty Miami Recovery Timeline

The first 4 days are the toughest due to swelling and bruising. Take a week off from work. You should have someone drive you home after the procedure. Your diet should include plenty of proteins and antioxidants (berries, oranges, wild honey and yogurt) after male rhinoplasty in Miami. We will provide you with prescription drugs, so you can deal with the pain. We will also schedule follow-up procedures to remove the stitches. Explain how you are feeling and call us immediately, if anything seems amiss. We are here to ensure that your recovery goes well. Are you looking to get (or have you gone through) revision rhinoplasty? For more male rhinoplasty Miami information, contact us. We can deliver the most natural-looking nose job. Look at our rhinoplasty Miami before and after pictures to see if a nose job is right for you.

By |2018-11-11T18:36:30-05:00August 2nd, 2018|Male Rhinoplasty|Comments Off on Male Rhinoplasty Miami Recovery Tips

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