Rhinoplasty Before and After – How Long Till You’re Looking Your Best?

/Rhinoplasty Before and After – How Long Till You’re Looking Your Best?

Rhinoplasty Before and After – How Long Till You’re Looking Your Best?

All cosmetic surgery has a recovery time. How long is it for female and male rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty before and after – How Long Till You’re Looking Your Best?

Rhinoplasty Before and After | Week After

The first thing to note about nose surgery (rhinoplasty) recovery times is that they vary dramatically by person. It all depends on your health, age and the procedure done. It is advisable for you to purchase an airport wedge pillow, so you can sleep upright for the first couple of nights. If you have a recliner, set it up and keep your head straight up. You don’t want to roll over on your new nose during the night. You should also use some disposable baby wipes to clean up any discharge. Also, buy some frozen peas – these are great for reducing pain, swelling and bruising. You might feel discomfort for the first week. It is advisable to take at least a week off from work. Be patient and rest. Watch some of your favorite movies – ones you have seen before, so you can sleep whenever you want. Your body numbs portions of your face after nose surgery to minimize the pain. Avoid strenuous activities after nose surgery. Your bandages (and splint) should be removed at the end of the first week.

Rhinoplasty Before and After | First Month

Male rhinoplasty recovery must emphasize avoiding infections. This is a danger for both men and women, but because men might have larger features, it might be more of a concern initially. After the stitches are removed, you will still have some swelling. Your nose should be symmetrical with more stability. You may return to work (or school) after a week. You should still avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activities. Ask your doctor when you can resume exercise. Your skin is still sensitive, so you should wear sunscreen, hats and scarves to protect against the sun for the first two months after rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Before and After | Third Month

Typically, most of the rhinoplasty swelling will subside after 3 weeks. The tip of your nose might be the last to regain feeling. It is important for you to follow doctor’s orders. He will give you prescription medication, so you can handle the pain.

Rhinoplasty Before and After Miami Photo Gallery

The changes that are available through rhinoplasty before and after are simply amazing. Call us to schedule a consultation. Get a new nose, get a new life.

By |2018-11-11T18:09:31-05:00July 18th, 2018|Rhinoplasty Before and After|Comments Off on Rhinoplasty Before and After – How Long Till You’re Looking Your Best?

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