How to Care for Your New Nose After a Rhinoplasty Procedure

/How to Care for Your New Nose After a Rhinoplasty Procedure

How to Care for Your New Nose After a Rhinoplasty Procedure

You may have seen more celebrities having “nose jobs,” but what about recovery afterwards? Does rhinoplasty procedure take a long time? What should I do during rhinoplasty recovery, before my beautiful nose is ready?

24 Hours

It is recommended that you have someone drive you to and from the rhinoplasty procedure. There will be mild discomfort to a small amount of pain after the rhinoplasty surgery, but you will be given plenty of pain medication to cope. After this nasal surgery, your body will try to compensate and your nasal passages will create more mucus. Inside your nose, there will be sutures, which will dissolve over time. There will also be nasal splints inside to maintain your nose’s shape. Outside your nose, there will be a gauze dressing to absorb any discharge. You should change the nasal dressing every 2 hours or so. At first, the nose will be swollen, so it might look larger than you had expected. Don’t worry, the swelling will go down.

72 Hours

The second day of rhinoplasty recovery might see your facial area, the most swollen. If anything seems untoward, then give your rhinoplasty surgeons, a call. Generally, the discomfort and pain will decrease within 72 hours after surgery. Nasal stuffiness is a common problem. You should expect a small amount of numbness to your nose, teeth or mouth – some of the nerves might have been disrupted during the rhinoplasty surgery. You might not have the same sense of taste or smell either. This is also due to disruption of your nerves. This is all normal. Your body will start to heal itself. Sensations will also gradually return to different parts of your nasal and facial area.

7 Days

Within 5 to 7 days, your internal and external dressings will be removed by your rhinoplasty surgeons. This will clear up much of the nasal stuffiness because the mucus can drain more easily. You should avoid blowing your nose, resting glasses on the bridge of your nose or taking any airplane flights for a couple of weeks. Rhinoplasty in Miami has become a common procedure for celebrities and has become quite refined. After a couple of weeks, you will begin to feel like normal. Your body will reduce the swelling in your nasal area and your facial nerves will be re-activated. Get the great looking nose, you deserve with a sophisticated rhinoplasty procedure in Miami. Contact us today for a free consultation.

If you are considering a rhinoplasty procedure in Miami, schedule your consultation with Dr. Carlos Wolf today 305-595-2969.

By |2017-06-02T05:32:25-04:00May 26th, 2017|Rhinoplasty Surgery|Comments Off on How to Care for Your New Nose After a Rhinoplasty Procedure

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